Roadtrip 2021-2022 Winter: Seaside - Yachats - Brookings

Day 36 - Brookings to Newport

Pit Stop Java in Gold Beach makes an excellent morning cup'a - as we start the drive back up the coast.

Even the corgi can't wait for a Pit Stop coffee.

This 76 station takes pride in catering to great vehicular diversity.

Emergency! Emergency! One of the inmates has broken containment.

Clouds organize themselves into a perfect formation at Port Orford.

It's too cold to eat lunch outside - so here's yet another parking lot view, this time with lunch.

We arrive in Bandon to rapidly dropping temperatures and hail studded squalls. But we will not miss the famous Bandon Fish 'n Chips and chowder. No way! We grab the goods and perch the car on an overlook off Beach Loop Road. Voila!

The latest motor-sport craze in Coos Bay - racing tracked vehicles over giant mounds of wood chips.

Believe it or Not - at one point in the 1980's, this corner store in North Bend had the only espresso machine on the Oregon Coast. And we found it.

If you can just make it to that bridge, you've made it out of North Bend.

It's getting late in a travel day, but we find a hole to the beach.

Weiner dogs are uninteresting. Play ball!

Beach wilderness.






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copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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